Earns Big PR Win Thanks to ASA

A slightly balding middle aged man wearing denim hotpants and (some rather sublime) high heels has just earned a big PR win, with a helping hand from the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

The ASA's list of most complained about adverts is always a highlight on the calendar for those who either love a good moan, or love reading about what other people deem worthy of a good moan, and their list for 2015 hasn't disappointed.

The ad attracted 1,513 complaints from viewers with nothing better to do than submit a complaint about the apparent "overtly sexual" nature of the, rather amusing, advertising campaign.

For, it's a big win on all fronts. Complaints aside, they've been cleared of any wrongdoing by the ASA and have managed to splash themselves all over the headlines on major news portals like BBC without even trying.

The ASA have even handed them an arguably unexpected boost, a company spokesman stating that the public feedback to the ad was "overwhelmingly positive".

Little positive snippets coming from official company sources like that subconsciously add authority to the brand being discussed; the implication here is that public feedback to the brand is "overwhelmingly positive", a sentiment that, whether you realise it or not, may well stick in the back of your mind next time you happen to be deciding between two price comparison services.

Consumer decisions like these are made on the subtlest of nuances. "Which service should be trusted more?" we ask ourselves when preparing to do a quick Google for car insurance prices. Well, perhaps the one you read a few months ago was "overwhelmingly positive" in the minds of the general public...

For now, let's remind ourselves of the advert behind this latest PR win in the price comparison sector. Enjoy!